Frequently asked questions.

What should I bring?

Here are a list of items we recommend bringing with you:

  • Sunscreen - You never know how long or hard that sun is going to shine

  • Water shoes/Sandals - Don’t get hooked by a lure or cut by a clam

  • Hat/Sunglasses - No one likes a burnt scalp or retinas

  • Sunglass strap - Losing those will hurt more than burnt retinas

  • Bug Spray/Sunshirt - The biting flies can get nasty on river trips

  • Waterbottle - Are you going to drink the water you just peed in?

What does KayoeSUP provide?

We like everyone to deal with as little hassle as possible on the river.

For all lessons and trips we provide a Paddle board, Paddle, Ankle leash, PFD, and a 10 liter dry bag.

For rentals that are 4 hours or less we provide a Paddle board, Paddle, Ankle leash, PFD, and a 10 liter dry bag.

*PFD and dry bag can be rented for $10/day for rentals over 4 hours.

Where will we paddle?

KayoeSUP has different spots where we like to take clients to paddle depending on the weather conditions. While we try to accommodate where clients want to paddle, sometimes the wind says otherwise. Paddle location will be discussed with the client prior to finalization of lesson/trip/rental.